Friday, March 23, 2012

Why be a missionary?

Why be a missionary?

So what is up with young men giving up 2 years of their lives to be missionaries? There are several answers to this question.
    I am serving a mission because I have been richly blessed because of this gospel. This gospel provides a certain level of happiness that no money can buy. The knowledge that this gospel provides is unlike anything else. We are blessed to have a living, modern-day prophet on the Earth today. This gospel has blessed me so much, and it would be downright selfish if I didn't share it with everyone else. Everyone deserves the blessings that I have received being a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. We have a Heavenly Father who loves us, each one of us. All of us are His children, and it's my duty and honor to work to bring His children back to Him.
   I was raised by amazing parents. They are such an example to me. My dad served a 2 year mission as well. He was my hero growing up. Everything he did, I did. Naturally, when I turned 19, I considered serving a mission, just as he had done. I chose to serve a mission not because anyone told me to, but because I love the Savior. I love the Gospel of Jesus Christ. I know that His gospel is true and that it can bless anyone and everyone. And I want to share it.
   I also like to think about it like this: what about the law of tithing? We give 10% of our increase to the Church. That has been a principle since the days of Malachi (Malachi 3:8-10). So if you do the math, 2 years of a young man's life, around the age of 20, is 10%. So a mission is like paying your tithing of your life to God, who gave you life. Now, this isn't the reason why missionaries serve missions, but I can testify that the windows of heaven have opened and have poured out blessings upon me. (See Malachi 3:10).
   I absolutely love being a missionary. It's the best work in the world. I wouldn't trade the experiences I have already had for anything. I love Jesus Christ. I love this Church. I love my Heavenly Father and it is a pleasure to serve Him.

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